Drupal 8: Missing Login

Drupal 8: What happened to my login page!?

The Short

If you are working on the page.html.twig file and you now can’t get to the login screen confirm you are rendering the content section in your template by having {{ page.content }} in the page.html.twig file.

The Long

Recently, I have been learning to use Drupal 8 while at the same time getting more and more familiar with Drupal 7. I hit a little problem along the way and thought I would share as Drupal is notoriously hard to find information on when you need it. Unfortunately, part of the reason why is because if you read the documentation you can figure it out with some effort.

Who wants to put that kind of effort into it when it seems like there is a simple fix? So here is a simple fix or something you can check if you have a similar problem.

What I was doing…

I was in the process of building a custom theme and was building a template using YOURTHEME/templates/page.html.twig.

After logging out I was unable to log back in. I tried logging in via the login path built into Drupal 8 (mysite.com/user/login). It came up with the same page as the main page I was working on. I determined the template was the problem by renaming the template so as not to be rendered by Drupal. Note you can’t clear the cache if you can’t login. You will have to run the drush in the command line in the root folder (the folder with sites in it…) of your site: drush cr. Now the login page work by going to mysite.com/user/login.

The problem was that I had defined the content area in the MYTHEME.info.yml but did not add the code to the template to render the content in the content area of my theme. To resolve enter {{ page.content }} where you want to render your login information in your theme. Clear the all caches and change the name of the template back to what it was (page.html.twig).

AOL equals LAME – AOL does not allow you to forward your emails.

These posts are incorrect. AOL no longer forwards emails to other addresses (not even other AOL addresses)! (https://www.techwalla.com/articles/how-to-forward-aol-mail; http://www.justanswer.com/email/7l0qq-aol-email-automatically-forwarded.html)

However, there is a work around. Techwalla had this very helpful article.

Basically you have to have Google Mail forward you email for you. You add your something@aol.com email address to your gmail account (you will have to create one if you don’t have one).

  1. In your Gmail account  click the settings cog wheel at the top right.
  2. Click “Accounts and Import”
  3. Click “Add a mail account you own” (a popup window will apprear)
  4. Enter your AOL email address, click “Next Step”
  5. Fill in your AOL username and password (username is youraccount@aol.com).
  6. Check “Label Incoming Messages” to tag emails sent to your AOL address and help separate them from Gmail messages.
  7. Before pressing “Add Account,” check “Leave a Copy…” if you want your AOL emails to appear both on Gmail and on the AOL website or AOL Desktop.

Then if you want to use a different email account (i.e. not Gmail) you can forward the Gmail account to another email.

  1. In your Gmail account  click the settings cog wheel at the top right.
  2. Click Forwarding and POP/IMAP
  3. Click “Add a forwarding address”
  4. Add your email address (not AOL or Gmail) and save.
  5. Gmail will send that email a confirmation. Go to that account’s inbox and click the box to confirm the forward. This will open a browser window click confirm.
  6. Now one more step… In the Forwarding and POP/IMAP section of Gmails settings you need to enable forwarding to the address by selecting the Forward a copy of incoming mail to yourforwardedemail@somewhere.com.
  7. Click save. Now you will be able to get your email! 🙂



Forward Exchange Email to Exterior Email Account without Domain Credentials

This is mostly for my reference but if it helps someone else great! 🙂

  1. Create Exchange Shared Mailbox
  2. Add alias to Shared Mailbox
  3. Create Email enabled Contact (instructions not included)
  4. Forward Shared Mailbox

Exchange: Create Shared Mailbox


  1. Go toRecipients > Shared > Add .
  2. Fill-in the required fields:
    • Display name
    • Email address
  3. To grant Full Access or Send As permissions, clickAdd , and then select the users you want to grant permissions to. You can use the CTRL key to select multiple users. Confused about which permission to use? See Which permission should you use? later in this topic.
    • No Need to set permissions
  4. ClickSave to save your changes and create the shared mailbox.

Exchange: Add Alias to Shared Mail Box

  1. Navigate to Exchange admin center > recipients > shared
  2. Select Shared Mailbox then Click edit
  3. Click email address
  4. Click plus
  5. Enter email (ie user@yourdomain.com)
  6. Click ok
  7. Click Save (Now you can send email to that user)

Exchange: Forward Shared Mailbox


  1. Login to your office 365 portal; then go to this URL outlook.office365.com/ecp
  2. Click “recipients” from the left and “shared” tab from the right; then double click to open the shared mailbox you want to forward email from
  3. Click “mailbox features” from the left side and scroll down the window, then click View details under “Mail flow”
  4. Now Check “Enable forwarding” and browse the user name where you want to forward the email to; choose other options as per your convenience. Click Ok then Save.