Migration From Drupal 7 to Drupal 8: How do I find which items were ignored?

You are migrating from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 and you have ignored items after you run a migration. This leads to the very important question of which ones were ignored?

What you see

[notice] Processed 632 items (630 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 2 ignored) - done with 'node_form'

The above is what I will use in my examples.

What you want to know

What are the items ignored!? For this we can look into the database. I assume you have access to a console…

The migrate_map_migration_name table in your database will give you the information you need. There will be a column named source_row_status. The value of 2 equals the status of ignored. So run the following MySQL command:

SELECT * FROM `migrate_map_node_form` WHERE source_row_status = 2;

The sourceid1 column of the returned rows will contain the id of the item that was ignored.

Example output:

source_ids_hash sourceid1 destid1 source_row_status source_row_status last_imported hash
8530eb5d63ad4cfea47134a28e3339e089f639164d218287c3… 10931 NULL 2 0 0
ddd550e747c2a26a2a5058d49be0e146616fd5c45f6bef88f3… 11656 NULL 2 0 0

Answers on stackoverflow.

Posted in Drupal, Drupal 7, Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 Migration, Drupal 8 and tagged , , , .